"My first images presented to you will be from my book, "The Me I Never Was." A picture can say a thousand words. My artwork comes to you by my dreams, dream visions and visions from childhood into my adulthood. When you are given enlightenment in your sleep or meditative silence – bring it with you into your conscious, awaken hours." – FCSH
"Ancient Mask"

“Ancient Mask” Rembrandt Pastel by Francine C. Still Hicks – (Blk. & White Image in TMINW page XV) ©1991 All Rights Reserved
“When we fail to know who we are in full Truth, we fail ourselves. Deep inside of the self, there is an essence of light called; "the spirit." Reveal the light of spirit inside – and the mind, body, and soul will begin to heal outside. Unveil the spirit within – and you will see clearly.” – FCSH
“The Veiled Dreamer Awakens”
“The Veiled Dreamer Awakens” Multiple Techniques by Francine C. Still Hicks – (Blk. & White Image in TMINW page 70) ©2000 All Rights Reserved
In 1989 I had a dream vision of this princess lying in an open tomb. As I looked down on her, her eyes slowly opened – and I recognized it was me. As I became one with her, I woke up – and knew I had to create the artwork for this profound dream vision of myself. In 1999 I finished the final work of the image I saw. This vision of myself was a remembrance resurging itself from early childhood visions I received within.
“When you lift the veil that covers the Truth of yourself, you will see you are royalty. The spirit of light will awaken you from the deep sleep of ignorance.” – FCSH
"The Promise"

"The Promise" Renaissance Oil Painting by Francine C. Still Hicks – (Blk & White Image in TMINW page 26)
©2005 All Rights Reserved
I begged to go with him and he said, "It is impossible for you to be where I am going and it is important that you are where you are right now! I promise I will come for you, be ready when I do return and speak of this to no one, not even your family." I asked him, "When will you come back for me?" And he said, "Very soon… just be ready to leave with me!" I cried in deep sorrow and promised him I would be ready.
[Excerpt is taken from chapter; I Wait – TMINW page 28]
"God has given us a Promise – and in The Secret Garden of our hearts, we can experience the promise... Now!" – FCSH
More Images To Come!