Enjoy life, and share your love with family, friends, and community. The love you share will reciprocate back to you!
We are not living on an island alone. In our daily lives, we must be consciously aware of our surroundings. In our quiet hours of prayer and meditation, we can experience bliss.
Brothers and sisters in all humanity, we will one day go into full enjoyment in life. Without looking behind our backs with concern of harm coming to us, we will experience true freedom!
One day, we will live in harmony with respectful thought and consideration for each other’s family, relationships, and community! Without intruding and becoming an added burden to another’s suffering, no matter how difficult our situation is. We will respect each other as we wish to be respected.
We will work for our dreams to come true without fear of someone coming along and stealing our dreams. We will join in with our contributions to help strengthen and enlighten our family, community and relationships. We will unite harmoniously; we will synchronize!
We will find the balance in loving our neighbor as ourselves, as the neighbor must give that same respect! We will not enable the selfishness that comes with disrespect and disregard from those who go against the betterment we find in unity – for the whole of humanity.
When we look in the mirror and ask ourselves, “How do I become a better person? How do I want to be treated and respected without bringing chaos to another person’s life? How can I bring a positive resolution to my life and those around me?”
When we ask the above questions within ourselves and positively act upon them – we will “hug a tree without watching for the wolf at our back!”
We will live with confidence and full consciousness – knowing all is well. We will not engulf ourselves in perpetual fear! We will love our neighbor as ourselves – and they will do likewise.
As of now, we cannot be deceived through blind ignorance and ignore the wolf at our back. We cannot be “Little Red Riding Hood!”

"Enjoy life but stay aware of your surroundings!"
Francine C. Still Hicks
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